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How to pronounce the names in my story rough draft

Some of the spellings in the rough draft I published a month ago may seem confusing, so I felt I'd provide some tips. The Ultran alphabet, which is phonetic, is used by all of the people of the Ulixian universe for every language. Most people speak some dialect of Eastian, though there are races that cannot, so they use the Ultran alphabet to represent their own sounds and do not often comply with the linguistic rules for those who can.

The Mentris family name is intended to be pronounced the way it's spelled, with the vowels short. Naha'ni is pronounced as a polynesian equivalent of the name might be with slight emphasis on the 'ha' syllable, the letter a prounounced as 'ah', and the 'i' as 'e''. Using actual English spelling, Qr'al would be written Queral, and would pronounced as it appears, with a slight emphasis on the first half, with the 'a' again as 'ah'. Mila'ra again uses a slight emphasis on 'la' and uses ah in place of a, but the I is short, not an e, as it is with Naha'ni. Kl'an has a null vowel between the k and l and the second half is pronounced as 'on,' with the first half again having emphasis. O'mes, again has slight emphasis on the 'o' and is pronounced the way it's spelled. Peru'ni would sound like the country, Peru, followed by 'ne,' in the same manner as Naha'ni is prounounced.

Mallis is pronounced "malice," but is spelled more in line with its Ultran spelling, although actual ultran would use '^' marks over both vowels and a single l, which is not really feasible in proper English. Ultra is intended to be pronounced with the 'u' as uh rather than as 'o' as it is in common parlance, but otherwise, it is pronounced the way it is spelled.

Other names will be presented as more of the story is presented, and while many will be less peculiar in appearance, several will be Americanized rather than spelled in the proper Ultran manner. The reason for this is that I do not believe my audience will be able to properly interpret the Ultran spellings for most of my names, as they would be presented with the Latin alphabet, so simplifications are being used.

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